Istorijat za Tour the France | seminarski diplomski

Ovo je pregled DELA TEKSTA rada na temu "Istorijat za Tour the France". Rad ima 9 strana. Ovde je prikazano oko 500 reči izdvojenih iz rada.
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Tour directors
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Apart from the deaths of riders, another two fatal accidents have also occurred.
1958, Official Constant Wouters dies after an accident with sprinter Andre Darrigade in the 6th stage of the tour.
Points competition
King of the Mountains
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Historical jerseys
Individual time trials
Team time trial
Competition winners
One rider has managed to win the Tour a record seven times:
Four other riders have managed to win the Tour five times:
Three other riders have managed to win the Tour three times:
In terms of nationality, riders from France have won most Tours (36), followed by Belgium (18), United States (10), Italy (9), Spain (8), Luxembourg (4), Switzerland and the Netherlands (2 each) and Ireland, Denmark and Germany (1 each).
One rider has managed to win the points competition a record six times:
One rider has managed to win the "King of the Mountains" a record seven times:
Two riders have won the "King of the Mountains" six times:
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