Heart, the structure and function (engleski) | seminarski diplomski

Ovo je pregled DELA TEKSTA rada na temu "Heart, the structure and function (engleski)". Rad ima 8 strana. Ovde je prikazano oko 500 reči izdvojenih iz rada.
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Heart, the structure and functions
Introduction 4
Structure of the heart 5
The Three Layers of Muscle 5
Atriums 5
Ventricles 6
Right Ventricle 6
Left Ventricle 6
Heart functions 6
Heart diseases, dysfunctions and malformations 7
Disorders of Heart Rate and Rhythm 7
Heart Arrhythmias 7
Heart Murmurs 7
Myocardial Infarction 7
Cardiomyopathy 8
Tachycardia 8
Conclusion 10
You need your heart for all your body needs. It pumps about 2000 gallons of blood a day. It takes about 20 seconds for blood to reach every cell in the body. An artery carries blood out from the heart. A vein carries blood back to the heart. An average adult heart weighs about 300 to 350 grams. The rate which the heart pumps varies depending on what you’re doing. When resting, the heart pumps more slowly.
When you run the heart rate increases to provide muscles and other tissues with additional oxygen they need. The typical heart rate is 72 beats per minute. Each beat gives out 50-70 grams of blood pumped into the arterial system. At this heart rate it beats about 104,000 times a day.
From all the above mentioned it’s easy to conclude that heart is a very complicated system, and the health of the entire body and its systems depends on the welfare of the heart, and therefore this term paper will show how the heart works, its functions, dysfunctions, diseases and therapies, and certainly about the impact unhealthy life has on heart.
Structure of the heart
The Three Layers of Muscle
The heart has three layers of a muscular wall. A thin layer of tissue, the pericardium covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines the inside. The myocardium is the middle layer and is the biggest of all. The pericardium is a fibrous sac which is very smooth lining. In the space between the pericardium and epicardium is a small amount of fluid. This fluid makes the movement of the heart muscles smooth.
The heart is divided into separate right and left sections by the interventricular septum. Each of these sections (right and left) is also divided into upper and lower compartments known as atria and ventricles.The four main chambers of the heart are therefore the: