“Znanja koja smo stekli ne treba da naliče na veliki dućan u neredu i bez inventara. Mi treba da znamo šta imamo i da se njime možemo služiti prema potrebi.”
Seminarski rad/radovi se mogu poslati na mejl: saljemseminarske@gmail.com
Welcome to besplatniseminarski.com, where you can search examples of seminars written by students.
It's easy to access all of our pages. Remember, you should always write your own seminars.
We have a large selection of texts to help you improve your own writing ability. All the material that we have published is received from text Authors with a permission to share it.
This website is licensed under a: Creative commons ауторство-делити под истим условима 3.0 unported.
With a small payments a community can help us to continue with selfless work and to keep our pages useful to everyone who is willing to learn.
Prilikom slanja iznesete stav o tome da li želite
da podaci o radu (ime, naziv fakulteta, mentori..) budu javni, anonimni
ili drugačije po vašem izboru.